Right now many Americans are very concerned about a wide variety of money matters. Are you? Worrying about personal finance issues is not very much fun is it? And, just so you know, these concerns and feelings affect every generation. 8 out of 10 people, couples, and families are living paycheck to paycheck! So, is help available? Yes it is! First Christian Church is partnering with Ramsey Solutions to make a great and successful financial guidance program available to everyone. As an introduction to this program, you will be able to read a weekly newsletter with valuable financial information, ideas and suggestions.
In addition, 1C has made it possible for you to enroll (at no cost) in the Ramsey Plus Program as a member. This will allow you to gain knowledge, learn safeguards, and receive encouragement as the program guides you to be a better manager of your finances. Learn how to pay off debt, save for the future, and build lasting wealth with a free, yearlong membership to Ramsey+. Typically $129, your FREE membership includes access to the EveryDollar Premium budgeting app, Financial Peace University Online, and more! Disclaimer: 1C will not receive any personally identifiable financial information you provide to Ramsey+.