•  We know that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. What do I wear? Where do I park? How long are the services? Is there something for my kids during this time?

  • A typical Sunday will be marked from people of all walks of life, dressed in comfortable clothes (shorts, jeans or a suit are equally welcomed here!). Please just come as you are.

  • There is parking on both the North and South side of the building. If you have children to check into the children's area, the check in area is located on the North side of the building.

  • We value your time. We strive to have our service over in under an hour. You can expect a typical service to be around 55 minutes.

  • Be sure to arrive early and grab a cup of coffee or a donut from the Common Grounds coffee shop.

  • Kids programming is available for babies up through 5th grade during the Thursday 6:00 pm service and during the 9:15 & 10:30 services.

  • Middle school has their own service that meets during the Thursday, 6:00 pm, and Sunday, 9:15 & 10:30 service, in the Warehouse (located toward the back of the building)

  • High school students meet on Sunday evening from 5:30 - 8:00 pm, in the Warehouse (located toward the back of the building)

  • Our Thursday 6:00 pm, Sunday 9:15 & 10:30 am services are all contemporary worship services with upbeat music led by 1C Worship.

    The 8:00 am Sunday service is a traditional service with hymns.

  • Each week there is meaningful worship, engaging teaching and communion is available to all who have been immersed in baptism.

  • If you are coming for the first time, be sure to stop by the Next Steps area in the lobby and say "hello"!