to Jul 30


Registration Price $429

$50 Deposit Locks in Your Spot!

The theme this year is “In Between”, Life is lived in the IN BETWEEN. In between START and FINISH. TAKE OFF and LANDING. DOUBT and CERTAINTY. FEAR and COURAGE. LETTING GO and HOLDING ON.

The IN BETWEEN is not for the faint of heart. It requires tenacity and determination. Choosing to never let go - no matter the hardship. Choosing to remain - even when others choose to walk away. And no matter what - choosing to focus.

Not on ourselves, or on circumstances. Not on our losses, or on victories. But on HIM – the One who holds it all together. From the smallest grain of sand to the farthest unknown galaxy - And everywhere IN BETWEEN.

Join CIY this summer as we experience Jesus in the book of Hebrews and learn to bravely live in the here and now.


Run with endurance. Keeping your eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:1-2

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Middle School Baptism Class
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Baptism Class

Are you a middle schooler looking to learn more about baptism and what it means to follow Jesus? Join us for an engaging, fun, and faith-filled journey as we explore the significance of baptism in a way that's easy to understand and relatable to your life.

In this class, you’ll:

  • Learn about the meaning of baptism: What is it and why do we do it?

  • Explore the teachings of Jesus: Discover how baptism is a step in becoming a follower of Christ.

  • Connect with others: Share your thoughts and questions with fellow students and leaders.

  • Prepare for your own baptism: If you’re ready, you can take the next step in your faith journey and be baptized with us!

We will meet in the Warehouse on Thursday March 6th 6:00PM


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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
to May 22

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

Join us on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30pm as we dive into a weekly study of the Book of Revelation. This will be a look at what God was originally trying to communicate to the early church in times of turmoil and persecution, but also what is He trying to tell us today. The timeless question that seems to come through for me is the question: “Who will you follow: the world or Jesus?”

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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MS Lock-in
to Oct 28

MS Lock-in

Coming up on Friday, Oct. 27th, we will be having a lock-in for Middle Schoolers. This event will be up at the church from 7pm Friday night until 8am Saturday morning. We will have movies, fun games, and lots of food available! If your student has something beforehand, they can be dropped off anytime after 7pm, just let me know, so I can meet them at the doors. If they have something on Saturday, and don't want them completely zombified, they can definitely come hang out for a couple hours on Friday, and again, just let me know when you drop them off what time you'll be back to get them.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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New Thursday Night Youth Service
6:00 PM18:00

New Thursday Night Youth Service

New Thursday night service for Middle Schoolers starting up Thursday, Sept. 7th from 6-7pm. Services will mirror what we do on Sunday mornings, so students will have an option to attend Thursday, if they can't make it on Sunday mornings. Optionally, they could also choose to attend Thursday, and then serve in another ministry on Sunday mornings. 

Weekly services will look the same as Sunday:

  • 5:30-6:05pm — Hangout before service starts

  • 6:05pm — Worship kicks off

  • 6:15pm — Sermon starts

  • 6:35pm — Small groups

  • 6:55pm — Dismissal

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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New Thursday Night Youth Service
6:00 PM18:00

New Thursday Night Youth Service

New Thursday night service for Middle Schoolers starting up Thursday, Sept. 7th from 6-7pm. Services will mirror what we do on Sunday mornings, so students will have an option to attend Thursday, if they can't make it on Sunday mornings. Optionally, they could also choose to attend Thursday, and then serve in another ministry on Sunday mornings. 

Weekly services will look the same as Sunday:

  • 5:30-6:05pm — Hangout before service starts

  • 6:05pm — Worship kicks off

  • 6:15pm — Sermon starts

  • 6:35pm — Small groups

  • 6:55pm — Dismissal

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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New Thursday Night Youth Service
6:00 PM18:00

New Thursday Night Youth Service

New Thursday night service for Middle Schoolers starting up Thursday, Sept. 7th from 6-7pm. Services will mirror what we do on Sunday mornings, so students will have an option to attend Thursday, if they can't make it on Sunday mornings. Optionally, they could also choose to attend Thursday, and then serve in another ministry on Sunday mornings. 

Weekly services will look the same as Sunday:

  • 5:30-6:05pm — Hangout before service starts

  • 6:05pm — Worship kicks off

  • 6:15pm — Sermon starts

  • 6:35pm — Small groups

  • 6:55pm — Dismissal

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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New Thursday Night Youth Service
6:00 PM18:00

New Thursday Night Youth Service

New Thursday night service for Middle Schoolers starting up Thursday, Sept. 7th from 6-7pm. Services will mirror what we do on Sunday mornings, so students will have an option to attend Thursday, if they can't make it on Sunday mornings. Optionally, they could also choose to attend Thursday, and then serve in another ministry on Sunday mornings. 

Weekly services will look the same as Sunday:

  • 5:30-6:05pm — Hangout before service starts

  • 6:05pm — Worship kicks off

  • 6:15pm — Sermon starts

  • 6:35pm — Small groups

  • 6:55pm — Dismissal

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study Kick-Off
6:00 PM18:00

Middle School Wednesday Night Bible Study Kick-Off

We have had many students ask us over the past couple months exactly HOW to share their faith, and that's what we are going to be tackling this semester during our Bible Study. It'll be a fun mix of evangelism training, apologetics (or how to defend your faith), learning to craft their testimony, and all at the same time, how to love and talk to people like Jesus did.

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to Jul 14


We are doing camp a little different this year, but it will be no less amazing or impactful!!! We have been attending camps through CIY for years, and we are trying them out with the Middle School this year, instead of doing our own camp. We gain several things in the process: interactions with dozens of other Middle School groups at churches from all over, new location can make camp seem brand new again, stellar speakers, plus so much more! What won’t be changing: stellar worship experience, Gospel truth presented in a relevant and life-changing way, building closer relationships together as a student ministry, and learning how to become more like Christ!

When you register, just pay a $50 deposit to secure your student’s price! Register before March 27th to get that early registration price!

We will send out an email in the months ahead with reminders, fundraiser opportunities, and camp updates, so make sure you give us a current email in the registration form below.

Payment can be made in person or online at our giving website here. Just select “Middle School Youth” for your payment. For any questions or concerns, please email CJ here (

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