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We are doing camp a little different this year, but it will be no less amazing or impactful!!! We have been attending camps through CIY for years, and we are trying them out with the Middle School this year, instead of doing our own camp. We gain several things in the process: interactions with dozens of other Middle School groups at churches from all over, new location can make camp seem brand new again, stellar speakers, plus so much more! What won’t be changing: stellar worship experience, Gospel truth presented in a relevant and life-changing way, building closer relationships together as a student ministry, and learning how to become more like Christ!

When you register, just pay a $50 deposit to secure your student’s price! Register before March 27th to get that early registration price!

We will send out an email in the months ahead with reminders, fundraiser opportunities, and camp updates, so make sure you give us a current email in the registration form below.

Payment can be made in person or online at our giving website here. Just select “Middle School Youth” for your payment. For any questions or concerns, please email CJ here (